Home > 8th Grade > 8th Grade – Explore German Novels for Teenagers!

8th Grade – Explore German Novels for Teenagers!

Click the link below to go to a German book retailer and search around for books that might interest you. Answer the questions below for some extra credit.


1. Wie heißt das Buch?

2. Was für ein Buch ist das?

3. Möchtest du es lesen?

4. Warum oder warum nicht?

5. Welche anderen Bücher sind wie dieses?

Categories: 8th Grade
  1. Rebecca
    20/06/2011 at 3:34 am

    I told you I would do the extra credit! 😀 I actually have the same exact copy of Im Westen nichts Neues as the one shown online, as well as Die Welle. I’m planning on getting Eine Frau in Berlin; I recently saw the movie in German, since I’ve already read it in English, but I want to read it again in its original language.

    1. Das Buch heißt Im Westen nichts Neues.
    2. Das Buch ist einen historischer Roman.
    3. Ich habe es schon gelesen.
    4. Ich habe es gelesen, weil ich Geschichte mag.
    5. Anderen Bücher sind Heldenangst, Heeresbericht, und Sturz der Titanen.

    • 21/06/2011 at 1:57 pm

      I’ve heard Eine Frau in Berlin is very good. Also, it’s in English but the book “In the Garden of Beasts” is a historical fictional story of an American family living in Berlin as Hitler rose to power. It’s on my summer reading list!

  2. Rebecca
    22/06/2011 at 11:32 pm

    I had read “Eine Frau in Berlin” in English, and it was a really good book. I’m hoping to read it in German when I get the chance. Oh, it’s called “In the Garden of Beasts”? That was the book you were telling me about in class that you couldn’t remember the title of (you weren’t too far off; you said it was “In the Den of Beasts”)! I’ll have to read that this summer, too! I still need to read “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich”, “Adolf Hitler” by John Tolland, and “Iron Kingdom” (on Prussia) by Christopher Clark, each of which are about 1,000 pages. And probably take notes on them, too… And I forgot that I also need to finish that 30 hour documentary on World War II that I never got to finish last summer…

    Maybe I’m a masochist. If I’m dead by the end of the summer, you know why~

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